vibrance pelvic trainer

Women worldwide are experiencing better pelvic health with Vibrance!

Empowering women from within. Literally.

Case Study
Postpartum Pelvic Floor Issues

  • Women who have given birth are 2.5 times more likely to have urinary incontinence than women who have not.¹
  • Vaginal delivery is linked to a high rate of urinary incontinence in the period directly after birth.¹
  • 21% of women experience urinary incontinence after their first vaginal delivery with spontaneous birth.¹
  • 36% of women experience urinary incontinence after their first vaginal delivery with forceps
  • Women who experience urinary incontinence for a period of time post-partum are three times as likely to have urinary incontinence five years later.¹
  • Nearly 40% of new moms report leaky bladders after childbirth and half of all women who have children will experience some form of pelvic prolapse.


  1. A Woman’s Guide to Pelvic Health,, Carolyn Samselle, American Journal of Nursing
  2. National Association for Continence,, Facts and Statistics

September 2015:

 Angela G., 26, Raleigh, North Carolina, gave birth to her first child, daughter Ashley, in March 2015. Angela experienced a relatively uncomplicated pregnancy though she did experience bladder leaks, and she had a spontaneous vaginal delivery.

Angela’s OB-GYN suggested that during her postpartum recovery she start doing Kegel exercises two weeks after giving birth to facilitate the healing of her pelvic floor muscles that had been stretched and weakened by her pregnancy and delivery.

OB-GYNs often recommend Kegel exercises during pregnancy and the postpartum period to promote perineal tissue healing and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercises help the pelvic floor muscles return to healthy strength as well as increasing urinary control and vaginal toning.

After more than three months of performing daily Kegel exercises, Angela was disappointed and puzzled why she was not experiencing any improvement in bladder control. She was also concerned about feeling lower sexual sensation and satisfaction.

Angela’s doctor recommended that she try the Vibrance Pelvic Trainer, the FDA-cleared Kegel exerciser. As a biofeedback device that lets a woman know she is performing pelvic floor muscle exercises correctly, Angela could be confident she was strengthening and training the right muscle group.

The Vibrance Pelvic Trainer made a big difference in Angela getting her pelvic floor strength back.  She realized she had not been exercising the correct muscles and that was why she was not getting the benefits of Kegel exercises. In less than a month of using Vibrance her bladder control was restored. In six weeks her sexual sensation had returned to pre-pregnancy level and she was enjoying more intense orgasms.

Angela said, “You learn so many new things when you have a baby. One of the things I learned was the importance of my pelvic floor health. Not only did I get back in shape after my daughter was born by losing the ‘baby weight’ I had gained, I also got my pelvic floor back in shape with the Vibrance Pelvic Trainer. Vibrance gave me my bladder control back and improved my sex life. I never understood before how much a woman’s pelvic floor health affects the quality of your life. I plan to keep using Vibrance. It’s part of my life now.”