vibrance pelvic trainer

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Posts Tagged ‘Pregnancy’

Does C-section Delivery Maintain Vagina Tightness?

Posted on: July 2nd, 2015 by Vibrance

Does C-section Delivery Maintain Vagina Tightness?

Some women opt for c-section delivery to protect their vagina from the trauma of natural delivery.

After childbirth, many women feel a change in their sexual experience- a feeling of looseness and a lack of sensation during intercourse. The sensation you feel during sexual activities is largely affected by the health of your pelvic floor muscles. The healthier your pelvic floor muscles are, the more sensation you feel during sex. During pregnancy, your pelvic floor muscles are very strained from supporting the weight of the growing baby.

After c-section delivery, the vagina will look the same as before, but only on the outside. On the inside, your pelvic floor muscles have already been stretched like a rubber band that has been stretched for 9 months. That is why, even though the vagina may look the same as before from the outside, it does not feel the same anymore. The over-stretched pelvic floor muscles cannot go back to their original state without deliberate exercise and pelvic training that heals and strengthens the muscles.

The physical and visible state of the vagina (stretched or not) does not determine the tightness of the vagina.


The tightness of the vagina comes from the strength of the pelvic floor muscles that wrap around the vaginal canal, giving the vagina its structure and grip.


Pregnancy on the pelvic floor

Pregnancy on the pelvic floor

Pelvic Floor Muscle

Pelvic Floor Muscles



Regardless of the method of delivery, the strain on the pelvic floor muscles comes from pregnancy itself and not the delivery. Like every other muscle in the body, the pelvic floor muscles can only be strengthened with exercise. Doing pelvic exercises correctly can effectively help a woman improve bladder control, regain her sexual sensations and prevent back ache.


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Does natural delivery increase the risk of incontinence?

Posted on: June 24th, 2015 by Vibrance

Does natural delivery increase the risk of incontinence?

Many studies have shown the risk of developing urinary incontinence from natural delivery and cesarean section delivery to be the same. High risks of female incontinence exist due to the strain on the pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy, irrespective of the method of delivery.

This is because the strain on the pelvic floor muscles comes mainly from pregnancy itself, during which the weight of the growing baby is fully absorbed by the pelvic floor. In terms of bladder control, the pelvic floor muscles wrap tightly around the opening of the bladder like a rubber band, and only relaxes when the bladder is full and a signal is sent to the brain to release the urine. Incontinence is caused by inability to hold in urine due to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.

Deliberate pelvic exercise can help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. When done correctly, pelvic exercise can help you improve bladder control, regain sexual sensations and relieve back ache.

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Can I do pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy

Posted on: June 23rd, 2015 by Vibrance

Can I do pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy?

Doing pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy is highly beneficial. Generally, the VPT is safe to use during pregnancy as long as sexual intercourse is safe. We recommend consulting your favorite OBGYN for the use of the VPT during pregnancy for you.


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How does pregnancy affect the pelvic floor?

Posted on: June 23rd, 2015 by Vibrance

How does pregnancy affect the pelvic floor?

Pregnancy is extremely strenuous on the pelvic floor. It is the main reason why many women begin experiencing mild incontinence as well as decreased quality of sexual experience, during pregnancy to later in life. Without deliberate pelvic training, the pelvic floor muscles are unable to return to the same strength as before pregnancy.


Pregnancy affect the pelvic floor

Pregnancy on the pelvic floor

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Does natural delivery increase the risk of incontinence?
Does C-section delivery maintain vagina tightness?
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