Vibrance Biofeedback Device Helps Women Take a Proactive and Preventative Approach to Incontinence
A 2015 survey of women ages 18-50 reported up to 50% of the survey participants experienced bladder leakage. Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) in women is not a normal part of aging and is not a problem only related to female menopause.
Stress Urinary Incontinence is characterized by involuntary bladder leakage during or after an event, such as coughing, sneezing or exercise. The National Association for Incontinence reports that SUI, the most prevalent form of incontinence among women, affects an estimated 15 million adult women in the U.S.
A study published in the October 2015 UROLOGY Journal reported on the treatment of SUI with the Vibrance Pelvic Trainer. The Vibrance Pelvic Trainer is an FDA-cleared, award-winning biofeedback device that provides variable resistance training for women’s pelvic floor muscles.
The study, a randomized, controlled trial, involved 40 women aged 26 to 77 with SUI symptoms. The women underwent pelvic floor muscle exercises at the University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. They were divided into two groups: the Vibrance Pelvic Trainer group who used the biofeedback device to assist with pelvic floor muscle exercises, and the control group who used only pelvic floor muscle exercises (PFMEs). The patients underwent 16 weeks of pelvic floor training.
Results of the study:
- More female patients saw significant earlier improvement in incontinent symptoms with the Vibrance Pelvic Trainer compared to using pelvic floor muscle exercises alone.
- The Vibrance group showed greater pelvic muscle strength.
- Better compliance was demonstrated by the Vibrance group. Compliance with treatment is important in pelvic muscle strength training because successful results depend heavily on regular training.
- The parameters of social life improvement and bothersome score were better in the Vibrance group.
Along with previously published studies, this latest study adds to the growing body of clinical evidence that validates the efficacy and safety of the Vibrance Pelvic Trainer for women who suffer daily with SUI.
Vibrance is a proactive and preventative aid to help women regain their confidence in bladder control and sexual health as well as freedom from back pain caused by weak pelvic support.
Click here for the UROLOGY Journal article.